The Principles that guide us

  1. Domestic, family, and sexual violence is prevalent, pervasive and a serious human rights violation.
  2. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people know best what their communities need and want, and we are committed to listening deeply to these needs and embedding reconciliation in practice.
  3. Everyone has the right to live without fear from violence.
  4. The use of violence is a choice and people need to be held responsible and accountable for their choices.
  5. We operate from an intersectional feminist framework, acknowledging that domestic and family violence is gender-based violence, predominantly perpetrated by men against women and children.
  6. It is critical that we continue to learn from and include diverse voices of survivors and culturally diverse communities when seeking to prevent violence.
    • We acknowledge and respect the abilities, strengths, goals and needs of people living with disability.
    • We acknowledge and are responsive to the unique needs and challenges experienced by the LGBTQ+ community.
    • We acknowledge the value of including the voice of culturally and linguistically diverse populations in our work.
    • We understand and are adaptable to meet different needs and challenges experienced by people living in regional, rural and remote areas.
    • We acknowledge the different priorities and concerns for different age groups, including young people and elders.
  7. We provide inclusive services that are evidence-based and trauma informed.
  8. We are committed to working collaboratively as part of a broader system.

Our Values 

We are trustworthy and act with honesty, always holding ourselves to a high level of ethical standards.

We treat those we support and each other with patience, kindness, empathy and care.

We lead by example, are transparent and solution focused and take ownership for our decisions and actions. 

We treat all people with dignity, equity and value each other’s contribution.

We support and inspire all people to have a voice and be able to make choices to enable them to grow in strength, confidence and knowledge. We support all people to voice their needs and provide access to options, enabling self-determination.

Our Vision
 All lives are free from violence and abuse.

Our Purpose
Collaboratively shaping choices and pathways for a life free from violence and abuse. 

Our Services and Programs

DVConnect provides the Queensland-wide domestic and family violence helplines, Womensline and Mensline, supporting families to live lives free from violence and facilitating access to safety.

DVConnect also provides the state-wide Sexual Assault Helpline for anyone who has been impacted by sexual abuse, including friends and family of survivors of assault, whether recent or historic.

In addition, DVConnect provides VictimConnect, a new program supporting people impacted by violent crime in Queensland.

DVConnect works in partnership with the RSPCA Queensland to provide safe accommodation for pets accompanying individuals escaping domestic, family and sexual violence. DVConnect also operates Bella’s Sanctuary, a medium-term transitional accommodation residence for women and children after leaving shelter.

Our expert training team provide tailored training options to business, organisations, government departments and services to help people, recognise and respond to domestic and family violence in the workplace. Find out more about our Workplace Training here.

Thank you DVConnect for saving my Mums life, and mine. You guys getting us out of there changed everything. Thank you so much. Life is good now! 

Our survivor has chosen to remain anonymous.

Read Survivor Stories

How your donation will help

  • Provides operational support to fund our bridging accommodation residence Bella's Sanctuary.
  • Provides emergency transport and accommodation for Queenslanders in crisis due to domestic and family violence.
  • Provides safety planning, crisis counselling and information to those impacted by domestic and family violence.
  • Educates Queenslanders on how to help family, friends and colleagues who have experienced, or are experiencing domestic and family violence.