Every person has the right to a safe and respectful relationship.
DVConnect’s Mensline can support men who are using abuse or experiencing abuse in their intimate partner, ex-partner, or familial relationships. Mensline is a free and confidential helpline that assists men to change their abusive behaviours or to access safety from abuse.
If you identify as non-binary or gender fluid, you can call the helpline (Womensline or Mensline) you feel most comfortable calling. We are here for you.
Available 9am – midnight, 7 days.
Who we help
We often support men who are seeking help to change their behaviour and address their use of violence, but we also understand that men can experience violence too. Mensline can provide specialist support specific to your domestic and family violence related concerns. We are a non-judgemental service here to help you live a life free from violence.
Men using violence in their relationships | Men experiencing violence in their relationships |
How we help
Mensline is available from 9am until midnight, 7 days a week. Mensline can provide:
- Support for men to change their abusive behaviour
- Referrals to specialist behavioural change programs
- Safety planning for men experiencing abuse
- Emergency transport
- Information and referral options
- And more.
Domestic and family violence is a human rights violation and it is against the law
Domestic and family violence is not acceptable in Australia. If you use family violence, your visa can be cancelled or refused. Citizenship applications can also be refused. There are legal protections available to people who have experienced violence or abuse from their partner or family members. Find out more on the Department of Home Affairs website.

Please call us if:
- You feel unsafe at home
- You are using violence or abuse in your relationships
- You are not sure if what you are doing is abusive
- You are not sure if what you are experiencing is abusive
Translators and Interpreters
You do not have to speak English to access our support. If you speak another language, please call the Translating and Interpreting Service (TIS) on 131 450 to connect with us.
If you are deaf and/or find it hard to hear or speak, please use the National Relay Service to call us.